You're welcome. There's so much confusing information to get through and I've had such a time with it, I figure I may spare other people.
Regarding microwaving tofu: Pour off the water, cut the tofu however you need it to be, then microwave it in say 1 minute increments. I've seen instructions to microwave a block of tofu but that takes a while. You can always quarter the block of tofu, microwave it, then cut it into smaller pieces for your recipe. It may be easier to handle that way. I hope I was clear... sorry for any confusion.
Thank you for your "commonsensical" post about tofu. You are such a good writer, you summarized perfectly my feelings about tofu.
Question: can you clarify how to microwave tofu? drain then microwave (how long?) or keep in its water and microwave? Thank you.
You're welcome. There's so much confusing information to get through and I've had such a time with it, I figure I may spare other people.
Regarding microwaving tofu: Pour off the water, cut the tofu however you need it to be, then microwave it in say 1 minute increments. I've seen instructions to microwave a block of tofu but that takes a while. You can always quarter the block of tofu, microwave it, then cut it into smaller pieces for your recipe. It may be easier to handle that way. I hope I was clear... sorry for any confusion.
Ngoc Tran, are you my mother or are you another Ngoc Tran?
Yes Elise this is your mom. Funny to see you here. I must have raised you right if you know to appreciate PTFS!
This is all too amazing. Thank you both for making my week!