That sweet picture of your Dad and his voice — this post is filled with gems, Andrea.

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Thank you, Jolene. He was a rad dad.

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Fine, I surrender - only joking - I have just stepped aboard the dumpling train.

I'm pretty sure I won't watch/do it live but the fact I can watch it later at my leisure convinced me that I wanted this.

Thanks for offering - and reminding!

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OMG -- really? I'm incredibly honored, Jan, whether or not you are able take part in the livestream. 🤗

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Dumplings are the best thing to have in the freezer. They are great versatile mini meals. You won't regret it.

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It's so sweet to see your dad there.

I discovered Chinese-style stir-fried cabbage a while ago and now I always grab a head of cabbage for weekly grocery shopping. I often have trouble wrapping wonton because I get greedy and try to stuff as much filling as I can. Then I eat out and have a bowl of "mì vằn thắn" and can't get over the fact that there is barely any filling in wontons. Guess that's why it's called "cloud swallow".

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